I'm Rémi Denimal
a front-end developer
based in Brussels.
Scroll to know more about me
Scroll to know more about me
Scroll to know more about me
Scroll to know more about me
Scroll to know more about me
Scroll to know more about me
Who I am
I'm a front-end developer passionate about developement, user-experience, design, accessibility and animation.

I'm used to working with angular, react, wordpress, drupal, scss, git and webpack.
Creative development, Webgl & typography are also fields I really love.
I'm Rémi and I have 6 years of experience in
front-end development.
If you want to know more about me, you can reach me on Linkedin, check my CV or discover my experimentations on Codepen.
In my spare time, you will find me riding my gravel bike, going to the movies or enjoying some alternative music.
Walking men
Cherry pulp
I'm currently looking for a job in Brussels or around.
Feel free to contact me if you want to collaborate
on exciting projects or just
have a chat